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November 01, 2005



Did you know that it was learning dancing that led me to get to know a tall, dark, handsome male of our acquaintance? Main problem - he wasn't good at leading (so no comment on my being-led abilities). Unless you count up-the-garden-path, that is.


I think you told me that! There was a very odd combination of people at Alice tango, which included tradies, high school boys dancing with their mums and late mid-life couples.

N.B. This is the 500th comment on this blog!


Respect for being able to even stand up in that sort of heat, let alone dance, let alone dance with a person called Garcon wearing fawn trackydaks.


Oh we end up doing everything in this kind of heat!


Mary Donaldson is an Aussie slut. I used to live with her so I know what I'm talking about and she liked the boys.


Thanks for sharing, Shane.

Robert Hammond

Shane. You're an idiot and a classic reason why many women are unable to enjoy a brief intimate dance encounter with a complete stranger in a relaxed manner. They have to keep their guard up against you macho misogynists. By the way, did you ever wonder shy all the women you're with "like the boys"? Cause they realize you're NOT the one!

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